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Weekly News

Mrs. Vernon’s Weekly News     October 22nd – 26th


     StoryClick, Clack, Moo:  Cows That


     Genre:  Fiction – a made up story

     Focus Skill:  Plot

     Focus Strategy:  Story Structure

     Grammar:  Adjectives

High-Frequency Words:

Do you believe the story about a hen baking bread?

Nick brought an apple for everyone in class.

Sammy arrived at school early today.

Use enough glue so the paper will stick to the box.

It is impossible to be in two places at the same time.

Rose is quite happy with the story she wrote.

Jill can read and understand Spanish.

Robust Vocabulary Words and Definitions:

brisk – When you walk in a quick and lively way, you    have a brisk walk.

strutted – If you strutted across a room, you walked like you were the most important person in the              world.

gobbled – If you gobbled up your dinner, you quickly gulped you food.

paced – If someone walked back and forth in a small area, he or she paced.

request – When you request something, you ask for it.

negotiate – When you negotiate, you talk, and offer to give up one thing in exchange for another, in hopes of reaching an agreement.

compromise – When each side in an argument gives up part of what it wants, the sides have made a compromise.

improve – When you make something better, you improve it.

Spelling:  Please study the given words.

 1.  boat                              

 2. coat                                                          

 3.  float

 4.  soak

 5.  load

 6.  loan

 7.  moan                  Bonus Words                

 8.  boast                  1.  yellow

 9.  grow                   2.  sailboat

10.  glow                   3.  window

11.  low                     4.  snowflake

12.  snow                  5.  carload

13.  row

14.  own

15.  bowl


Math:  OAS 2.A.1.1 - Represent, create, describe, complete and extend growing & shrinking patterns w/ quality numbers in a variety of real world & mathematical contexts.

Math Vocabulary:

pattern -  a sequence or arrangement with some rule that determines the next term in the sequence.

quantity -  amount, number of, total, sum, size, or content; how much or how many?


Angie Vernon

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